Florida Motorcycle Accident
What should I do if I am in a motorcycle, car, auto, or accident?
As a fellow motorcycle enthusiast, I understand the dangers involved with riding motorcycles on Florida roads, especially the ever so fun I-95 runs. I have compiled some helpful information on what to do following a car, auto, or motorcycle accident. Our years of experience investigating thousands of Florida auto accidents, Florida motorcycle accidents and Florida car accidents has led us to the following helpful information for you: We feel that it is important to call the police and seek medical treatment immediately. Keep in mind that the shock of being in a collision may mask any pain until hours or even days later. Our Ft. Lauderdale, Florida motorcycle and car accident investigators have compiled a complete list of what to do after a motorcycle, car, or auto accident. Most importantly, before you speak to the at-fault driver's insurance company about your injury, contact a private investigator at CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC today. As always, please feel free to contact Cory T. Knight at (954) 652-0733, or any of our Florida private investigators for a FREE consultation. If you prefer, you can click here to e-mail us. Our private investigation agency is here to assist you,
How much is my auto accident / motorcycle case worth?
This question is difficult to answer as it depends on many factors:
If someone else's negligence caused the auto accident and resulted in injuries, one of our lawyers can help you obtain any payment you are entitled to for your medical bills plus compensation for pain and suffering. This would include past and future medical bills.
If you were seriously injured and missed time from work, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages or loss of earning capacity in the future. Our proven Miami, Florida auto accident lawyers can help you retain such compensation.
There is no crystal clear answer to this question or even a proven formula to determine exactly how much a case is worth. Usually the defendant’s insurance company, or in certain circumstances even your own insurance company may offer a bodily injury settlement , uninsured , or underinsured motorist settlement dependent upon many factors. Medical bills, Positive findings on MRI’s, EMG, NCV, or CT scans, Specialists indicating that these injuries were a direct result of the accident and you require some additional medical intervention. Moreover, due to this motorcycle accident you have suffered some permanent damage. Another factor is the liability of the defendant. These are all factors that as Florida private investigators, we can assist you and your Florida motorcycle accident attorney to establish. Our private investigation agency has assisted in literally thousands of injury accidents and has assisted south Florida injury attorneys during trial. We can obtain your medical records and bills from all providers, obtain the complete police report and any supplemental reports, obtain a declaration sheet from the defendant’s insurance as well as yours to have a clear picture of the value of your motorcycle accident case. Furthermore, we can possibly recommend one of the south Florida motorcycle accident or south Florida car accident attorneys that we have worked with to provide you with legal representation should you wish.
How long will it take to bring my auto accident case to a conclusion?
Within the scope of our investigation agency, we have found that the complexity of the accident as well as the particular injuries sustained are just a couple of the components in determining the time frame of the conclusion or settling your Florida motorcycle accident case. We may be able to assist you in resolving your case based on an understanding of their current and future medical conditions, or we can possibly recommend one of the south Florida motorcycle accident attorneys that have successfully assisted our clients over the years. Once our Florida private investigation agency becomes involved with your motorcycle or car accident case, we find that the average car, motorcycle, or auto accident case is resolved within eight to 12 months.
I have full coverage, why am I not covered?
Almost on a daily basis, we hear that, “I have full coverage.” I can count on one hand how many times clients actually do have “full coverage”. Full coverage in Florida, usually indicates you have PIP, BI, UM / UIM, Med-Pay, Umbrella, and stacking when available. Even with all of the above listed coverages, this does not automatically imply that your bodily injury claim will be covered. Our Florida private investigators can either contact your insurance company for clarification on your insurance coverage(s), or we may be able to recommend a Florida motorcycle accident, or south Florida car accident lawyer that has proven results with our clients over the years.
Does my auto insurance cover my motorcycle accident?
Generally speaking in Florida, many motorcycle owners believe that they will be covered by their automobile insurance if they are involved in a crash. Unfortunately, this is not the case. In Florida, insurance is not required for the owner and rider of a motorcycle. Furthermore, the PIP coverage a motorcycle owner may have on his car will not cover the owner if injured on a motorcycle. Our south Florida private investigators can assist you with this process and investigate your claim, furthermore we may be able to recommend a Miami, Florida auto accident lawyer or Miami motorcycle accident attorney that can help answer more of your questions concerning motorcycle accidents in Florida.
What are the MMI and permanent impairment ratings?
As one of the final phases of your claim, prior to your potential settlement, you will reach MMI. Once a physician has decided you are at Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI), some doctor's assign, and insurance company's request, a permanent impairment rating (PIR). This does not mean that you are back to the physical or mental condition you were at prior to the accident, it simply means your condition has stabilized and you have suffered a loss and some measure of permanent bodily injury. At the conclusion of your treatment with a doctor, our Miami, Florida car and motorcycle accident private investigators can request a final narrative of your condition from the treating doctors. We would also request your medical records indicating your raiting from each specialist such as a chiropractor, orthopaedic surgeon, or neurologist. This is generally done pursuant to American Medical Association (AMA) guidelines. A permanent impairment rating technically is not called for as a basis at trial in a Florida motorcycle, or automobile case, but many automobile insurance companies like to have the impairment rating so they can evaluate your case for potential value after your demand is submitted. Our south Florida private investigators can assist you with this process and investigate your claim, furthermore we may be able to recommend a Miami, Florida auto accident lawyer or Miami motorcycle accident attorney that can help answer more of your questions concerning motorcycle accidents in Florida. These attorneys will be more than willing to offer you a FREE consultation, and if they take your case they will work on a contingency basis.
What is my next step?
A comprehensive review of your claim will further be investigated. Illustrations of the accident scene, property damage pictures, property damage receipts, medical bills and records along with a demand to the appropriate insurance company will be prepared. Prior to sending this off to the proper party, a final review will be completed with you to ensure that you did not see any additional physicians or have any special tests such as MRI, CAT scans, EMG, or NCV tests or any lost wages. Once we are confident that we have all of the facts, we will usually complete an asset search on the defendant or responsible party and submit the demand package to the insurance company. Like almost every other paragraph that preceded this,… If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, motorcycle accident, or any other scooter or bicycle accident our Miami, Florida private investigators can possibly recommend a Miami motorcycle accident attorney, Miami car accident attorney to assist you with your claim. This can be done at any stage of our investigation and at your request. Call Cory T. Knight at (954) 652-0733 today to discuss your Florida motorcycle, car, bicycle, automobile, or truck accident. If you prefer you can click here to submit a new case form or click here to contact us via e-mail.
For more information on automobile and motorcycle accidents, contact our Fort Lauderdale car accident private investigators and auto accident investigators today for a FREE consultation.
What to do after a Car, Motorcycle, or Auto Accident
Our advice following a Florida car, motorcycle, or auto accident is as follows: The moments immediately after a car, motorcycle, or auto accident require clear, rational thinking to protect yourself and your personal property. There are a number of steps you can take to increase your chances of financial recovery and the amount of that recovery in your Florida motorcycle accident, auto accident, car accident, or bicycle accident case. Our Miami, Florida car, motorcycle, and auto accident private investigators suggest the following steps:
Insist that a report for car or motorcycle accidents be filed with the Miami or Florida State Police, or the police department where the accident occurred.
Document as much as you can about the car, motorcycle, bicycle / scooter, or auto accident or injury itself. Our Miami, Florida car, motorcycle, and auto accident private investigator will need to know every detail about your injuries, any other losses (such as wages) you have suffered as a result of the accident. Moreover, any conversation you had with anyone involved in the accident including any statements to any insurance company.
Talk to no one about the car, motorcycle, or auto accident or injuries other than your private investigator, attorney or physician. You especially do not want to speak with an insurance adjuster. We can, at your request potentially recommend a personal injury attorney that has proven results with many of our cases in the past that will be happy to assist you.
Be sure to take photos of the car, motorcycle, bicycle / scooter, or auto accident scene, including any visible injuries and the vehicles involved. If you failed to do this, document the exact location and our Florida private investigators can take pictures and satellite images to assist with the reconstruction schematic if necessary.
Get the contact information of anyone who witnessed the accident who may be able to help prove your case.
Immediately seek medical attention following a car, motorcycle, bicycle / scooter, or auto accident. Be sure to explain how the injuries occurred to your doctor or surgeon. You need to mention any sensations of pain, radiating pain, disorientation, confusion, memory lapses, or other conditions you have sustained as a result of this accident. Ask the doctor to take pictures of your bruises, cuts, or any visible injuries. If the doctor does not do this routinely, we will be more than willing to document these injuries.