Computer Forensics
Computer forensics involves the acquisition, preservation, analysis, and presentation of computer evidence. This type of evidence is fragile and can easily, even inadvertently, be altered, destroyed, or rendered inadmissible as evidence. Computer evidence must be properly obtained, preserved, and analyzed to be accepted as reliable and valid in a court of law. The south Florida private investigators at CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC along with our computer forensics experts have many years of experience in confidentially evaluating your computer forensics needs.
To preserve the integrity of case evidence, forensic investigators do not work on the original files themselves. Instead, they create an exact replica of the files and work on this image to ensure that the original files remain intact.
To verify the files they are working on have not been altered, investigators can compare a hash of the original files at the time they were seized with a hash of the imaged files used in the investigation. Hashing provides mathematical validation that a forensic image exactly matches the contents of the original computer.
Another important legal element in computer forensics is the continuity, or chain of custody, of computer evidence. The chain of custody deals with who has supervised, acquired, analyzed, and controlled the evidence. Forensic investigators must be able to account for all that has happened to the evidence between its point of acquisition or seizure and its eventual appearance in court.
There are many cases in which personnel trained in information technology have made incriminating computer evidence legally inadmissible because of their reckless or ill-conceived examinations. Only properly trained computer forensics specialists should obtain and examine computer evidence.
We provide complete forensic services. These include: electronic discovery consultation; onsite seizure of the evidence; thorough processing of the evidence; interpretation of the results; reporting the results in an understandable manner.
Through use of the latest technology and techniques, Investigate.Com provides cutting edge services such as computer forensics and technology related investigations by licensed Private Investigators and Certified computer engineers.Examine a computer to find out what its user has been up to:
Corporate espionage
Employee misconduct
Computer tampering
Assist you in formulating policies and strategies to safeguard your information and minimize time wasted by employees surfing the web Internet Usage, Information Access and SecurityEmployer Access to Computers and Email, High Tech Investigations Misuse of, Computers/Internet by Employees, Computer Crimes, Trade Secrets, Data or Information TheftFacts about computer forensics:
Computer forensics involves the acquisition, preservation, analysis, and presentation of computer evidence. This type of evidence is fragile and can easily, even inadvertently, be altered, destroyed, or rendered inadmissible as evidence. Computer evidence must be properly obtained, preserved, and analyzed to be accepted as reliable and valid in a court of law. The south Florida private investigators at CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC along with our computer forensics experts have many years of experience in confidentially evaluating your computer forensics needs.
To preserve the integrity of case evidence, forensic investigators do not work on the original files themselves. Instead, they create an exact replica of the files and work on this image to ensure that the original files remain intact.
To verify the files they are working on have not been altered, investigators can compare a hash of the original files at the time they were seized with a hash of the imaged files used in the investigation. Hashing provides mathematical validation that a forensic image exactly matches the contents of the original computer.
Another important legal element in computer forensics is the continuity, or chain of custody, of computer evidence. The chain of custody deals with who has supervised, acquired, analyzed, and controlled the evidence. Forensic investigators must be able to account for all that has happened to the evidence between its point of acquisition or seizure and its eventual appearance in court.
There are many cases in which personnel trained in information technology have made incriminating computer evidence legally inadmissible because of their reckless or ill-conceived examinations. Only properly trained computer forensics specialists should obtain and examine computer evidence.
We provide complete forensic services. These include: electronic discovery consultation; onsite seizure of the evidence; thorough processing of the evidence; interpretation of the results; reporting the results in an understandable manner.
Through use of the latest technology and techniques, Investigate.Com provides cutting edge services such as computer forensics and technology related investigations by licensed Private Investigators and Certified computer engineers.Examine a computer to find out what its user has been up to:
Corporate espionage
Employee misconduct
Computer tampering
Assist you in formulating policies and strategies to safeguard your information and minimize time wasted by employees surfing the web Internet Usage, Information Access and SecurityEmployer Access to Computers and Email, High Tech Investigations Misuse of, Computers/Internet by Employees, Computer Crimes, Trade Secrets, Data or Information TheftFacts about computer forensics:
Deleted computer files can be recovered.
Even after a hard drive is reformatted or repartitioned, data can be recovered.
In many instances, encrypted files can be decrypted.
Forensic analysis can reveal: what web sites have been visited.
What files have been downloaded.
When files were last accessed.
When files were deleted.
Attempts to conceal or destroy evidence.
Attempts to fabricate evidence.
The electronic copy of a document can contain text that was removed from the final printed version.
Some fax machines can contain exact duplicates of the last several hundred pages received.
Faxes sent or received via computer may remain on the computer indefinitely.
Email is rapidly becoming the communications medium of choice for businesses and that: people tend to write things in email that they would never consider writing in a memorandum or letter.
Email has been used successfully in civil cases as well as criminal cases.
Email is often backed up on tapes that are generally kept for months or years.
Many people keep their financial records, including investments, on computers.
Computer Forensics ServicesWe Provide:

Analysis of Computers and Data
Onsite seizure of Computer Data
Analysis of Company Computers to Determine Employee Activity
Assistance in Preparing Electronic Discovery Requests
Reporting in a Comprehensive and Readily Understandable Manner
Discreet and confidential
The Florida Private Investigators at CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC, also specialize in the following: Florida private investigator, computer forensic examiner, florida private detective, forensic computer service, florida private investigations, aircraft search, florida workers compensation, electronic counter measures, workplace surveillance, florida investigations, infidelity surveillance, florida security consultants, debugging, background checks, employment screening, miami private investigators, criminal record search, investigate.com
You can also find this site under the following keywords: Florida private investigator, computer forensic examiner, florida private detective, forensic computer service, florida private investigations, aircraft search, florida workers compensation, electronic counter measures, workplace surveillance, florida investigations, infidelity surveillance, florida security consultants, debugging, background checks, employment screening, miami private investigators, criminal record search, ctkinvestigations.com
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