Adultery or Infidelity Investigations (Marital): The first step in the evaluation and discovery of a potential affair with infidelity, unfaithful spouses, adultery, and cheating mates is the obtaining of an objective, professional opinion as to the merits of the case. CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC provides free consultations from professional and experienced private investigators nationwide.
Is your spouse unfaithful, having an affair, acting suspicious, or deceitful? Do you know what is happening for certain? Surveillance, bodily fluids testing, and communications investigations for phone activity, internet use, email, instant messenger, and more are some effective ways to determine inconsistencies or consistencies in a subject’s behavior to discover the affair. Documentation is the most important part of your case. Having a thorough report, an explanation of video, and still photography evidence can help you with your presentation of the facts. If you decide to work with a qualified Florida family attorney, it is important that we can work together for your case to protect you and your interests .
Even if you are an Executive, Professional Athlete, Professional, Entrepreneur, Public Celebrity, Government Official, or a spouse of one, with Cory T. Knight and our Florida private investigators at CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC you can be 100% assured and guaranteed confidentiality! Our investigation agency and our team understand the need for a thorough and discrete spousal or significant other investigation.
Have you noticed changes in the subject’s behavior- signs of infidelity?
• Excessive or discreet use of the computer
• Overtime hours or holdovers with work
• Hiding of phone, credit card, or bank accounts histories
• Excessive arguing of facts related to time
• Blaming behavior of false accusing
• Negative projections behavior - accusing you of an affair
• Lack of sexual interest or abnormal renewed sexual interest
• Abnormal call activity at the home or cell phones - Hang ups and long tones
• Removal of pictures or photos from wallet
• Lost wedding ring
• Singles behavior - out with friends
• These are only some of the signs
All evidence is collected and provided in a strict, factual and specific manner. Preliminary and scientific forensic lab analysis is also available. Extramarital affairs often lead to divorce; we do not interfere -- we are here to help. We can assist in items from the discovery process to recovering from infidelity. Our Florida private investigators believe infidelity is a very serious matter and should be treated accordingly -- infidelity is hurtful and degrading and we can help in a courteous and professional manner.
If your spouse or significant other is cheating, you deserve to know the truth. With the help of one of our Florida infidelity private investigators at CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC can begin to start the healing process. This may not include keeping the relationship together. If you decide that your marriage is irrevocably broken, you are going to need the discreet services that the Florida private investigators at CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC offer. As difficult as it may be to come to terms with, you are going to need to get the facts and protect your interests. Coping with infidelity is not easy, but living with it is worse. Call Cory T. Knight today to discuss your spousal or significant other infidelity investigations.
As always, please feel free to contact Cory T. Knight at (954) 652-0733, or any of our Florida private investigators for a FREE consultation. If you prefer, you can click here to e-mail us. Our private investigation agency is here to assist you, contact us today.
Items to which you can expect to have access for Unfaithful and Cheating Mate - Adultery Investigations:
• Surveillance
• Polygraph Examination Lie Detection
• Semen Testing
• Bodily Fluid Testing
• DNA for Hair and Skin
• Covert Pregnancy Testing
• Surface Drug Testing
• Photos of Unknown Subjects
• Communications Activity
• Computer Usage
• Internet Usage
• Email Tracing
• Identity Verification
• Covert and Undercover Assignments
People who we catch (the cheater):
• Cheating Wife or Unfaithful Wife
• Cheating Husband or Unfaithful Husband
• Cheating Spouse or Unfaithful Spouse
• The Emotional Infidelity
• The Other Woman
• The Other Man
• Marital Infidelity
• Matrimonial Investigations
Online Infidelity
Many times e-mail, messenger activity, the workplace, and other communication mediums are aggravators in the process. We have Florida private investigators and computer experts that have extensive forensics experience that can explain how you can discover and use our investigations and computer monitoring software with your discovery process.
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