Technology continues to progress with time. With broadening our chances of finding love, individuals are no longer restricted to their immediate surroundings. Prior to meeting a prospected love, it is always a wise decision to find out who they really are. After all, not everyone is going to be honest with their background. Call Cory T. Knight at CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC today to discuss your safety. You would not allow your children to meet a stranger, why would you?
If someone has a shady background, odds are that they are not going to be completely truthful in telling someone. It is not uncommon nowadays for men and women alike to not have a trustworthy past. Before going to meet someone from your online dating experience, make sure you find out everything that you feel is important to ensure your safety. This information will help someone decide whether they would like to get to know this person on a different level and also that they are the type of person that you would trust into your life on a daily basis. We have investigated cases from JDate, MySpace, FaceBook, and many other online services.
There are many online resources that are readily available to help someone get to know the truth i.e. the good, bad or the ugly about the person that are looking to add into their life. One must be sure that when they choose to utilize a background check service that they are using one that will provide accurate and updated information. Many of these helpful agency websites give information that is available in the local phone book, however some give much more. They provide this information by searching large databases in order to give results. Remember the old adage, you get what you pay for. You can find background searches for $9.95 online but you could just as easily open the white pages. Our Florida private investigators are experienced and are dedicated to the task at hand. Your safety.
It is not all that uncommon for a criminal to not have any prior black marks on their background check, if their prior problems were outside the country. When choosing your company for the background, make sure that they perform extensive checks including out of country criminal checks. On most background check, you can find information about speeding tickets, or more seriously drinking and driving convictions, sexual based crimes, or violent crimes. All of this information can be helpful in deciding whether you would like to allow this person in your life.
When you are swapping stories over the phone or online, be careful of how much of you that you ultimately reveal. Don’t give personal information out such as your schedule or your address. For the criminal mind, it can be easy for them to woo you and literally leave you with nothing. Keep in mind your good intentions can come back to haunt you if you are not careful in what you reveal. Do not be specific with details that can potentially aid in the theft of your identity or belongings. Always be as vague as possible in your details about your home and workplace. Our Florida private investigators have found pedophiles, felons, wanted suspects, and sexual offenders in our online investigations. Not to mention the PUFF people that state that they own a company, when they do not even own the car they drive. The fact that they own a plane, boat, etc.. We can and will find you the truth before you place yourself in a potentially hazardous position.
Putting your life in someone else’s hands can prove to be a scary and often a dangerous choice. Before you take that road trip to wherever it is you are heading to meet that perfect someone, check them out with an CTK INVESTIGATION, LLC background check. After a comprehensive search has been completed, if you will find that the results are acceptable for you, then go and pursue meeting them as intended, with an additional piece of mind.
Background Investigation: With thousands of background checks and extensive investigation experience, you can consider CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC a specialized background investigation agency. Background Checks and Background Investigations are an integral part of our service mix.
Background investigations can provide an in-depth history or insight into a subject’s known or unknown histories. Criminal background investigations, hidden or past assets, financial data, workers' compensation, employment background investigation, police records, civil history, and other public records are just the start of a background investigation.
Records available to us as private investigator are not the same set of records that law enforcement uses. Private investigators are not strapped like police agencies when conducting background searches. If we conduct an online investigation or a background check we can compile more complete and more accurate records than many government agencies such as FBI or security background investigations for other law enforcement purposes.
Background Check
• Shorter than Background Investigations
• Usually Cursory
• Limited or Specialized for Specifics
• Mostly Centered On Public Records
• Constrained to a Range of Years Past
Background Investigation
Clients Types for Background Investigation and Background Check:
• Pre-Marital and Pre-Nuptial
• Business-Related
• Personal
• Incident Driven
• Litigation and Legal Support
• Insurance Industry
• Law Enforcement
Examples of information types that can be researched include but are not limited to past histories with family; neighbors; employers; friends; education; co-workers; professions; credentials; residences, and many more. With our background investigations you can start determining character and a profile of the subject.
As always, please feel free to contact Cory T. Knight at (954) 652-0733, or any of our Florida private investigators for a FREE consultation. If you prefer, you can click here to e-mail us. Our private investigation agency is here to assist you, contact us today.
Items to which you can expect to have access for a Background Investigation:
• Criminal Records
• Wants and Warrants
• Felony Checks
• Inmate Records
• Sexual Predators
• Civil Records
• Litigations
• Professional Complaints
• Local
• State
• Federal
• AKA's
• Identity Verifications
• Social Security Number Traces
• Property Ownership
• Marriage Licenses Records
• Divorces Records
• Drivers Records
• Death Records
• Tax Liens
• Judgments
• FAA Checks
• Doing Business As
• Character and Profiles
• Mode of Living
• Surveillance
• Photos of Unknown Subjects
• Identity Verification
• Public Records
• USA Patriot Act Ready
• Covert Background Investigations
• Covert and Undercover Assignments
Background Investigation (Premarital or Prenuptial): You might be feeling suspicious about your significant other. Perhaps he's never told you his home phone number. Maybe she avoids introducing you to her friends. Possibly you don't even know where he lives, or worry that she might be lying to you about being divorced. On the other hand, maybe you have the most wonderful relationship in the world, but just want to be safe and sure. Whatever the case, CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC is here to help!
A relationship is much more than just emotions. A relationship should be based on honesty and integrity. If you suspect your relationship to be a little too good to be true, this might very well be the case. It may be time to get some hard facts about your boyfriend or girlfriends before you lose more than just a piece of your heart.
As always, please feel free to contact Cory T. Knight at (954) 652-0733, or any of our Florida private investigators for a FREE consultation. If you prefer, you can click here to e-mail us. Our private investigation agency is here to assist you, contact us today.
Pre-Marital Relationship Warning Signs
If you are in a pre-marital relationship where you are uneasy, but are not quite sure why, you might have been seeing some warning signs that your relationship, no matter how wonderful it seems, is not quite right without understanding what those signs are.
Premarital Background Check
How does your friend deal with his or her past? Is the past spoken about freely or do you feel like you are pulling teeth to get a simple answer about a mundane question such as where he or she went to school? Does your friend avoid topics about childhood experiences or the recent past? If so, your friend might be hiding something from you.
Have you met your friend’s family? If not, are there legitimate reasons for this? Do you think that the excuse that “they are embarrassing” is weak? Sometimes, people are hiding their family because of what the family knows rather than trying to protect you from embarrassing situations.
As always, please feel free to contact Cory T. Knight at (954) 652-0733, or any of our Florida private investigators for a FREE consultation. If you prefer, you can click here to e-mail us. Our private investigation agency is here to assist you, contact us today.
Pre-Nuptial Investigations
Does your friend blame everyone else for the problems in his or her life? Is it the “ex” that trashed the credit, ruined relationships between your friend and the children, or sent your friend into a financial spin? There is sometimes a line between the truth and a reluctance to take any responsibility for one’s actions that people who are hiding something are reluctant to take.
Have you spent time with your friend’s buddies or business acquaintances? Do they seem grounded? Or is your friend reluctant to introduce you to other people in his or her life? While your friend might tell you that you are too special to share with other people, your friend might also be trying to keep you away from disreputable associates.
As always, please feel free to contact Cory T. Knight at (954) 652-0733, or any of our Florida private investigators for a FREE consultation. If you prefer, you can click here to e-mail us. Our private investigation agency is here to assist you, contact us today.
Pre-marital Investigators
Has your friend asked for a loan or to use your credit cards? Is your friend overly interested in your financial status? This could also be a very strong warning sign.
If your friend lives out of town, is he or she easy to contact? Do you only have office numbers or a cell phone number? Have you considered that your friend might already be married?
Are you starting to think that your friend’s behavior towards you is becoming more intrusive than you would like? Are you beginning to think that the constant wanting to know where you are and what you are doing, which initially seemed flattering, is bordering on obsessive? You need help right now.
CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC is here to help you. We at CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC can find you the information that you need that will either put your concerns to rest or help you decide to remove yourself from what might become a difficult situation not only emotionally, but ultimately financially or physically.
At CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC, our Florida private investigators pride ourselves in our discreet, confidential investigations. Our trained professionals will work quickly to get you the information that you need to make a decision about your relationship based on facts, not suppositions.
If you have concerns about your relationship, it is better to start an investigation now rather than procrastinate any longer. The longer the wait, the harder it will be to extract yourself from your relationship if, in fact, IF your boyfriend or girlfriend has been lying to you and you suspect this, why not find out the truth and afford a piece of mind. The longer you wait, the more those nagging questions are going to be bothering you, making you even more uneasy. Contact us at CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC today.
As always, please feel free to contact Cory T. Knight at (954) 652-0733, or any of our Florida private investigators for a FREE consultation. If you prefer, you can click here to e-mail us. Our private investigation agency is here to assist you, contact us today.
You can trust CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC to do the job for you, discreetly, confidentially, and quickly.
Whatever your reasons, a premarital background investigation will get you the facts you need to make important decisions about your relationship. We employ our professional investigative agents to combine their years of experience in the field with access to the most comprehensive sources and databases in the industry. Depending on the scope of the investigation, we can provide you with anything from a simple criminal record check all the way to personally sending agents to perform surveillance and covertly interview friends and neighbors. At CTK INVESTIGATIONS, LLC, let you exactly the information you need, exactly when you need it.
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